Stanley Golf Course's Printer Friendly Page |
Stanley Golf Course is located on 245 Hartford Road in New Britain, Connecticut 06053. Below are directions from the Hartford area and the New Haven Area.
From Hartford, CT
Directions | Distance | Time |
Start: Depart Hartford, Connecticut on Capitol Ave. (East) | 0.1 | 0:01 |
1: Turn LEFT onto Ramp and go Northwest for .4 miles | 0.4 | 0:02 |
2: Bear left onto US-6, I-84 and go Southwest for 5 miles | 5 | 0:05 |
3: Continue on ramp at sign reading "Exit 39A CT-9 S to Newington/New Britain" and go Southwest for .8 miles | 0.8 | 0:03 |
4: Continue on CT-9 and go South for .7 miles | 0.7 | 0:02 |
5: Continue on ramp at sign reading "Exit 30 CT-71 to Corbins Corner" and go Southeast for .2 miles | 0.2 | 0:02 |
6: Turn right on Hartford Rd., CT-71 and go Southwest for .5 miles to 245 Hartford Rd. | 0.3 | 0:02 |
Total Route | 7.5 mi | approx. 18 mins |
From New Haven, CT
Directions | Distance | Time |
Start: Depart New Haven, Connecticut on State St., US-5 and go Southwest for 500 feet | 500 feet | 0:01 |
1: Turn LEFT onto Court St. and go East for 40 feet | 40 feet | 0:02 |
2: Turn right on ramp at sign reading "I-91 N to Hartford" and go Northeast for .5 miles | .5 miles | 0:05 |
3: Bear right on I-91 and go Northeast for 26 miles | 26 miles | 0:19 |
4: Bear right on ramp at sign reading "Exit 22N-S CT-9 to New Britain/Middletown" and go Northwest for 1 mile | 1 mile | 0:02 |
5: Continue on CT-9 and go northwest for 9 miles | 9 miles | 0:07 |
6: Continue on ramp at sign reading "Exit 30 CT-71 to Corbins Corner" and go northwest for .3 miles | 0.3 miles | 0:02 |
6: Turn left on Hartford Rd, CT-71 and go south for .6 miles to 245 Hartford Rd. | 0.6 miles | 0:02 |
Total Route | 37.8 mi | approx. 40 mins |